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Carlsbad CA 92009


helping special businesses grow and bloom with gorgeous editorial images, purposeful social media marketing, creative vision and strategic action.



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Filtering by Tag: bridal

Our next editorial features couture fashion, custom staging, amazing florals and decor and....rescue dogs!

Pamela Noxon


What do these sweet rescue dogs, tons of bright red, orange and yellow roses, a blue chair and Frida Kahlo have in common? They're all our inspiration for our Mexican Campasina Editorial Photo Shoot for NUPTIALS e magazine coming soon! 

Thank you to Betsy McCue of La Vida Photography for shooting this one it will be a real tail wagger...maybe we can ask NUPTIALS to change their name to NUP-TAILS ......And thanks to Lauren Sharon Vintage Rentals, Studio B Floral Designs and Studio Savvy Salon and Shout Out Models and of course, the San Diego Humane Society for our guest modelsMore to come!