Creative Copy Writing
Is your BUSINESS communication memorable (and relatable)?
A recent study showed that goldfish show the ability to maintain a longer attention span than humans right now….yes, that’s right; goldfish clock in at 9 seconds staying focused on something, and humans at well, only 8. Holding people’s attention and focus with interesting, well-written, emotion-driven, and relevant copy keeps them connected and wanting more from you! You can’t get to the ‘sale’ if you cannot keep their attention.
Whether your audience is goldfish or humans, every business needs engaging, inspiring, creative copy that grabs your audience by the lapels and makes them remember you! We at Love Your Show, Inc. use good old-fashioned people-focused (sorry goldfish) messaging and ideas to connect customers to your brand through interesting and engaging copy. Sure we use language that showcases your company or product’s benefits over features, testimonials, stories, company team profiles, product launches, and announcements, and all that. But what makes us really stand out (and increase your sales!) is that we also use so much more. Depending on your industry, business, reputation. and style, we may add in: imagination, altruism, humor, nostalgia, compassion, history, allegory, social-mindedness, metaphor, inspiration, surprise, connectedness, soulfulness, empathy, and sometimes even the ‘awwwww’ [go you goldfish go!] factor.
There’s an alchemy to the process of really good copywriting. Interesting and creative copy reaches the reader through deep, non-conscious channels; it’s not just data and facts. Words are, after all, symbols of ideas. When you say ‘goldfish’ to someone it conjures up the image of a goldfish in their minds. Since memory is stored in the non-conscious part of our brains - which functions in the world of images, symbols, and emotion - we want people to form a picture of your message so they can retain it for a lot longer than 8 seconds. Riveting communication takes what you need to say, combines it with the right words, adds in creativity and emotion to create something magical that prompts your audience to see themselves, feel something and get them set up to take action.
Lead copywriter and wordsmith Pamela Ann Noxon is an articulate, intelligent, well-read, and creative dynamo who loves using stories and emotion to engage readers to have them wanting more of whatever you offer! Trained as a clinical Hypno Therapist, Therapeutic Dialogue Coach, and Professional Speaker, Pamela has brought a colorful, soulful, and heartfelt dynamism to any message to take to any channel. With over three decades of experience as a content writer in a wide variety of fields, Pamela knows how to go from ideation to inspiration to reach and engage your audience!
Pamela has decades of experience working solo, with co-authors, and with Creative Directors, Advertising and Marketing design teams, and is comfortable coming in at any stage of a creative project; from initial inception and concept development, to solely copy-writing, and even “we are so lost help us save this project!!!”. Pamela has worked on creative projects small and large, and with world-renowned and highly respected graphic designers and artists, nationally known PR Firms, website designers for copy, marketing directors and managers, advertising agencies, magazine editors, bloggers, and in social media, and email campaigns.
Pamela approaches every project - in any industry - with positivity, intelligence, experience, and a world of associations and ideas from a lifetime of being interested in and reading about, well, just about everything. This also makes her fun at parties.
Whether communicating to your potential customers, the media, or your in-house team, Pamela makes sure to write in a pace, style, and manner that flows naturally and easily for your audience. In our fast-paced digital-era climate of advertising, marketing, and communication, grabbing someone’s attention - and keeping it - right from the start is everything.
Let us help you with memorable and interesting copy that will have your world talking about you for your:
Ad Campaigns
Social Media
Email Campaigns
Click IMAGE BELOW to download PAMELA’s catalog copy for
client: Electra Bicycle Company’s launch of their industry revolutionizing Townie Bicycle Collection.
TASK: Grab attention with surprise + set a tone that new collection is very different and cutting edge + profile Lead Designer
MESSAGE: Electra Bicycle Company is so confident, cutting edge, and successful that they can be playful in tone
UNDERLYING MESSAGE: Be a cool trendsetter yourself
STYLE: soulful, fun, and memorable + very Gen X relatable